Le trovate sul [forum]assieme alle prime indiscrezioni su alcune battute del personaggio di Gillian
Sidney Young, this is Eleanor Johnson, Queen of New York.
Eleanor this is Sidney Young. He's from England and he's our very own Eliot Savant.
Without the Savant.
Well, it's always nice to have fresh blood at these things (to Maddox) Which reminds me.
I'm here with Sophie Maes, I want you to meet her. New film, The Making of a Saint coming out,
the buzz is A-mazing. The release is tied in with the roll-out of the Reebok campaign,
and now Luis Vuitton's on the line. This train is leaving the station Lawrence.
SIDNEY (to Eleanor)
So, you're a publicist?
I don't really like that word, Sidney.
What should I call you?